Rauchverbot führt zu Einbußen in schottischen Pubs

Eine Nachricht, die ich als Whisky- und Pfeifenliebhaber interessant finde:
in Schottland wurde ja im März das Rauchverbot in den Pubs eingeführt, und wie die Zeitung The Scotsman jetzt berichtet, hat das seit dem zu Verlusten von 11% in den Getränke-Verkaufszahlen geführt. Man hatte nur mit 7% gerechnet und befürchtet für die kommenden Wintermonate noch höhere Zahlen, da die Raucher dann eher zuhause bleiben, statt vor den Pubs in der Kälte herumzustehen.

Smoking ban leads to fall in drink sales

THE smoking ban has had a dramatic effect on Scotland’s pubs, leading regulars to stay at home and causing an 11 per cent drop in drink sales, the leading trade body said yesterday.

Releasing the results of the first major survey of its membership since the ban came into force in March, the Scottish Licensed Trade Association (SLTA) said the results were far worse than the 7 per cent downturn it had predicted.

Paul Waterson, the chief executive of the SLTA, said last night that his organisation was considering seeking compensation from the Scottish Executive for its members who have lost business or may have to shut down.

Mr Waterson said the crunch would come over the winter months, when smokers may decide to stay away rather than stand outside shivering on the pavement.

But anti-smoking campaigners said the survey showed that predictions of pub closures and massive job losses had not materialised, while the Executive urged licensees to exploit the new opportunities the ban afforded.

The SLTA’s survey revealed that 46 per cent of licensees reported a drop in visits from regular customers since the ban on smoking in an enclosed public place came into force. Only 5 per cent reported an increase…
